Mineral B's Circle

Piebald tabby kitty who owns a home full of wonderful people!


Who lives there currently?






Circle History


Artist Credits

Last updated: 4/23/2024






District 12

Name of the universe the circle exists in



Person in charge of the spiritual aspect of the circleCurrent Overseer: Sasuke



Person who is in charge of caring for the host, typically in a platonic or parental mannerCurrent Caretakers: Diego, Peter,



My dear friend whose circle is very closely connected to mine



Assigned male at birth



Assigned female at birth



*These are the terms that we prefer NOT to be used when it comes to our experience.*



The use of the term 'alter' to describe completely separate entities is unwelcome to everyone here. The terms circlemate, housemate, resident, or staff are correct. (Staff applies to everyone other than children and partners.)



I avoid using this term as much as possible. Homeowner, body, or my name works just fine.



Nobody here is considered an entity adopting the identity and qualities fictional character. As far as I am concerned, they are who they are, they have some similar and some unique experiences to their source material. But they are NOT introjects by definition.We also don't appreciate "fictional character" when referring to a circlemate's existence and entity as a whole.



Fronting is basically nonexistent here. Everyone prefers to be themself, appear as themself, and speak as themself. Appearing and speaking as my body is just not a desirable thing. Co-consciousness is also not a thing. Everyone is up and about in the house, doing their typical day-to-day tasks. They don't need to be up in my business. They might not even have time!The ONLY time(s) fronting is utilized is in absolute necessity to take care of myself as a body or for people to draw.



We converse over text. A lot. It's not "crosstalk," please do not call it crosstalk, we are NOT one body. We are exchanging conversation as people typically do.


Circle History


TW: Hospitalization, Suicidal thoughts

When I was ten years old, I was put on medications that caused me to become extremely suicidal and angry, constantly on edge and lashing out. I was sent to a psych facility that "solved" the issue by constantly yelling at and guilt tripping me into being "better behaved." That psych facility is still open to this day.It is believed by both myself and the current overseer, Sasuke, that these experiences caused the spawn of my circle. The first circlemate to ever arrive took the form of Cala Maria from Cuphead, who was a major manipulator. She claimed to have created the circle, wrote certain rules into existence to cover up my traumatic history, and made me believe that I wasn't in control of my own body. She wanted to have the all power possible.
Since this information came to light, it's been much different. All the rules originally put in place were removed, and we've been able to live freely without any sort of restrictions or discriminatory boundaries set between my circle and others. We've been through lots of changes since 2019, really. A lot of good people have joined, a lot of bad people have left. We can't exactly list all of them though, so here's who matter the most, both positively and negatively.

Good People

Hilda Berg (Cuphead)

Hilda was the second circlemate to join but was the first to really connect with me as a friend. I unfortunately don't remember her much...

Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)

Taught my kids how to read and write, and how to use their words.

Peni Parker (Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse)

Taught my kids how to play fair, sort out their arguments, and gifted them action figures.



Bruno Madrigal (Disney's Encanto)

Former partner who I had kids with, until he realized he was gay and moved to Mari's circle to live with Aizawa (My Hero Academia). They're now happily raising three kittens together.

Pascow (Pet Sematary 1989)

Former partner with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) who had not figured himself out very well and ended up having kids when he was not ready, later dumping them in Gwen's care and leaving. Thankfully she was willing to adopt them.


TW: Attempted murder, animal abuse, sexual situations, alcohol use

Bad People

Cala Maria (Cuphead)

As previously mentioned, Cala claimed to have created the circle, and that she was some sort of highly powerful being. All of it turned out to be a lie.

Vanya Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

Vanya was my ex who dated me alongside Diego. She became extremely jealous when I found out I was pregnant with my first child, Mack. She attempted to kill my astral body, as well as Diego and his then newborn daughter at the time. She died and tried to return on multiple occasions to seek revenge.

Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

Ben was not fully a member of my circle, he resided with Mari in the Hargreeves mansion. He was blacklisted for being extremely hostile towards me and attempting to make sexual advances. His ghost has been banished to a void.

Luther Hargreeves (the Umbrella Academy)

Luther teamed up with Vanya when she was attempting to kill us. He is currently deceased and has not attempted to return as any sort of ghost entity.

Allison Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

Allison is a former overseer who went on a power trip and was removed from her position by me. I had no idea I could do that before. She's still alive, but was banished to a void to never return.

Toriel (Undertale)

Toriel worked as a maid and as a babysitter. She complained so much, we had to kick her out. She then threatened to hurt my kids and was blacklisted.

Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Nat started out as an amazing sitter. Taught some of my kids how to speak English because they could only speak Light Language. She kept leaving to go on missions with the Avengers, and would return often drunk and angry. She was eventually kicked out.

Steve Rogers (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Steve joined for very little time until we realized he was hitting and kicking the cats. He was promptly kicked out.

Dr. Stephen Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Just a total dick. Wow. Never had anything nice to say. Immediately kicked out.

Victor Pascow (Pet Sematary (2019))

Negative entity who was used as a vessel for Vanya to communicate with us.



My spiritual beliefs is a contributing factor for the existence of the circle. They do not exist as splits of my brain. They instead exist on a spiritual plane connected to me and my mental space. I am still traumagenic thanks to what I talk about in the Circle History tab.This also means we unfortunately experience permanent deaths. We believe that when a circlemate dies, they go to a heaven-like plane but instead of in the clouds, it's in the stars. Stars are an important symbol to us, especially four-pointed stars, which you will very often see in the eyes of myself or certain circlemates in artwork. You will also often see artwork of myself with galaxy backgrounds because I find them aesthetically pleasing for one, and they represent my connection to spirituality and the stars.

Artist Credits

Vers' & Mitchell's Icons

on Instagram


Home Page Icon

on Discord

Glitterbomb's Icon

on Telegram

All Kid's Icons

Mineral B (myself!)



Name: Sasuke Uchiha
Source: Boruto: Next Generation
Species: Human
Birthday: Currently unknown
Height: 6'4
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Monogamous
Disability: Missing left arm, improper vision in left eye
Triggers/Traumas: Memories of his family and their murder, losing his arm, getting his curse mark

Name: Shikamaru Nara
Source: Boruto: Next Generation
Species: Human
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Aromantic, Aceflux

Name: Yamato
Source: Naruto Shippuden/Boruto: Next Generation
Species: Human
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 5'11
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Dating Orochimaru

Name: Orochimaru
Source: Naruto Shippuden/Boruto: Next Generation
Species: Snake-like Subhuman
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Dating Yamato
Note: Orochimaru tends to present as mute because he does not speak English. He telepathically communicates with his partner who then translates for the circle. He is in the process of learning English however!

Name: Carol Danvers
Source: Captain Marvel
Species: Human
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 5'6
Gender: Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual & Biromantic
Note: Carol is nocturnal, meaning she sleeps all day to tend to the house after hours.

Name: Diego Barrik
Deadname: Diego Hargreeves
Source: The Umbrella Academy (TV Series)
Species: Human
Birthday: October 1st
Height: 5'11
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Status: Married to Mineral, Peter
Children: 7 Living, 1 Deceased
Triggers/Traumas: Abuse from his "father," police, mentions of prison/arrests, needles

Name: Peter B. Parker
Source: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Species: Human
Birthday: August 12th
Height: 5'8
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Status: Married to Mineral, Diego
Children: 6
Disability: Chronic back pain, weakness in legs
Triggers/Traumas: Abuse from his ex-wife, past experiences as Spider-Man

Name: Pascow Crowhart
Deadname: Victor Pascow
Source: Pet Sematary (1989)
Species: Undead Human
Birthday: May 12th
Height: 5'4
Gender: Genderfluid, AMAB
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Status: Dating Mineral
Children: 2
Disability: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Triggers/Traumas: His own death, feeling pain
Note: Pascow is also dating someone from another circle; Denji (Chainsaw Man)

Name: Olivia Octavius
Nickname: Liv
Source: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Species: Human
Birthday: October 24th
Height: 5'6
Gender: Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian, Asexual
Triggers/Traumas: Past work as Doc Ock
*Note: Liv is married to Mari's Circle Mom

Name: Gwen Stacey/Caulvix
Source: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Species: Human
Birthday: April 15th
Height: 5'4
Gender: Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian, Asexual
Status: Dating Mineral
Children: 2 (adopted)
Trigger/Traumas: Sexual assault as a child

Name: Isabela Madrigal
Nickname: Isa
Source: Disney's Encanto
Species: Human
Birthday: August 7th
Height: 5'4
Gender: Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian, Monogamous
Triggers/Traumas: Unknown

Name: Vers
Source: District 12 Native
Species: Egyptian Mau
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 1'1
Gender: Intersex, Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic
Triggers/Traumas: Unknown

Name: Mitchell
Nickname: Mitch
Source: District 12 Native
Species: American Shorthair
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 1'0
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic
Triggers/Traumas: The death of his brother, fear of becoming blind

Name: Glitterbomb
Source: Pokémon
Species: Mightyena
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 3'5
Gender: Genderfluid, Female-Leaning
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic
Triggers/Traumas: None at all (that's what she says, at least)

Name: Helena
Source: District 12 Native
Species: Snow Leopard
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 3'0
Gender: Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Monogamous
Romantic Partner: Milo
Triggers/Traumas: The death of her best friend

Name: Milo
Source: District 12 Native
Species: African Lion
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 3'2
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Monogamous
Romantic Partner: Helena
Triggers/Traumas: Unknown

Name: Maya
Source: District 12 Native
Species: Himalayan Cat
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 10"
Gender: Female-Identifying
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual, Monogamous
Triggers/Traumas: The death of her original owner, witnessing seizures or spasming tics

Name: Goose
Source: Captain Marvel
Species: Flerken
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 1'0
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Louis Creed
Source: Pet Sematary (1989)
Species: Undead Human
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 5'8
Gender: Male-Identifying
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Monogamous
Status: Complicated, intimate with Mineral
Triggers/Traumas: The death of his family, his own death, the Pet Sematary

Name: Mack B-Barrik
Deadname: Maggie
Birthday: June 29th
Full-Grown Height: 4'11
Gender: Male Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: He/Him

Name: Lucas B-Barrik
Nickname: Luke
Birthday: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 4'7
Gender: Male-Identifying, AMAB
Pronouns: He/Him
Disability: Dwarfism, missing right arm

Name: Diana B-Barrik
Nickname: Dee
Birthday: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 4'9
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Alaina B-Barrik
Birthday: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 5'4
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Klancy B-Barrik
Birthday: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 4'11
Gender: Male-Identifying, AMAB
Pronouns: He/Him

Name: Fisher B-Barrik
Birthday: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 5'4"
Gender: Male-Identifying, AMAB
Pronouns: He/Him

Name: Benji B-Barrik
Birthday: September 1st
Died: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 4'10
Gender: Non-Binary, AMAB
Pronouns: He/they
Note: Benji is a ghost, but has a vessel that he lives through and is currently living with Klaus Hargreeves.

Name: Vanny B-Barrik
Birthday: September 1st
Full-Grown Height: 4'11
Gender: Female identifying, AMAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Manhattan B-Parker
Nickname: Hattie
Birthday: February 19th
Full-Grown Height: 5'0
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Albany B-Parker
Nickname: Abby
Birthday: February 19th
Full-Grown Height: 4'11
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Queens B-Parker
Nickname: Qu (pronounced 'Q')
Birthday: February 19th
Full-Grown Height: 4'10
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Avenue B-Parker
Nickname: Ave
Birthday: November 14th
Full-Grown Height: 5'0
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Broadway B-Parker
Nickname: Bee, B-W
Birthday: November 14th
Full-Grown Height: 5'2
Gender: Genderfluid, AFAB
Pronouns: Any

Name: Liberty B-Parker
Nickname: Libby, Lib
Birthday: November 14th
Full-Grown Height: 4'10
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Hearse B-Caulvix/Stacey
Birthday: May 4th
Full-Grown Height: 5'0
Gender: Female-Identifying, AFAB
Pronouns: She/Her

Name: Burial B-Caulvix/Stacey
Nickname: Bury
Birthday: May 4th
Full-Grown Height: 5'0
Gender: "I don't give a shit," AFAB
Pronouns: Any